Saturday, January 07, 2006

Time For Some Travels

It's time once again to travel!

My trip will begin in Senegal, where as many of you know, I studied abroad during my 3rd year of college. I'm hoping to be able to find an apartment to rent and somewhere to volunteer. I have leads on both of these things so I'm sure they'll work themselves out once I get there. I'm also hoping to be able to travel around the country more than I got to last time I was there. I'm very curious as to how this experience will differ from the last. I know it's going to be very different but I'm not exactly sure how yet. I will be staying in Senegal until March 25th, the last two weeks of which will be spent there with my friend Nicki.

From Senegal, we will be traveling together to Morocco for 2 weeks and to Spain for 3 weeks (where we will meet her boyfriend). After Spain we will be splitting up for 2 weeks and going to eastern Europe, though to different places. I will be meeting my mom in Budapest where will take a tour together through Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia and Austria.

From Vienna, I will be flying to Bangkok, either with Nicki and her boyfriend or meeting them there. We will spend 3 weeks in Thailand followed by 3 weeks in New Zealand. After this, Nicki will leave and I will continue on to visit my friend Ellen in Japan. I'm not sure how long I will be spending there as I have no return ticket at the moment.

No fear though, I will be returning to the US! I am currently in the process of applying to 2-year Master of Public Health programs for Fall 2006. I am applying to Maternal and Child Health programs at UC Berkeley, University of Washington, University of Minnesota and Boston University; the Global Health program at Emory; and the Family and Community Health program at Harvard. There's a good chance that I will end up back at Minnesota but I wanted to keep other options open. I'll keep you updated on that as the year progresses as well.


Kate said...

Hello Friend-

How's that culture shock going for ya? Have you see Lumein? (I'm sorry if i slaughtered the spelling of that) Where are you living? What are you doing?


Anonymous said...


Glad to hear you made it! I can't wait for your next update. Enjoy your time away from the USA.

-Love ya and miss ya: Ryan

Anonymous said...

Lu bees ci Dakar? Fan nga logé? Naka tang bi?
Namm naa la bu baax!
When you get a phone number let me know! I will give you a call for some Dakar updates!
Leggi leggi suma xarit!

Anonymous said...

Where is the "Voyageur"? If it's close to Score, I think I know what you're talking about. Next time you're in Medina, stop at the "Boulevard". It's near Rue 6 and the canal. The beignets are AWESOME! Much worth the 600 CFA.

Ba beenen!