Tuesday, March 07, 2006

We've Got More Bounce In California


No time for a long post but I just wanted to let you all know that I was accepted to Berkeley. It was my top choice school so I am very excited!

Also, Anne and I are in Accra, Ghana at the moment. It's the capital of Ghana and it's biggest city. So far I'm not too impressed. I has more big stores, etc. than Dakar but it just has the feel of a big city to me. No real character that I have picked up on yet. Oh well, we will be leaving tomorrow morning anyway. We opted to spend an extra day on the beach instead of coming to Accra earlier. It was definitely a good decision!

At 10 am tomorrow we are getting on a bus back to Ouaga. We hear that the ride takes 24 hours and may involve sleeping at the border (they close at night) but I'm choosing not to think about that right now! It will be sad to leave Ghana and this little trip but I will also be happy to be back in Dakar where I can see my friends and understand what's going on around me!

Nicki will be joining me in Dakar in less than a week!


Helen said...

Congrats on getting into all these schools! Now you have to make a decision. Sounds like the trip to Ghana was a success. Safe travels!


Anonymous said...

go emily go! enjoy your return to dakar! and congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl!

Can you do me a favor (another one)? Would you pick me up a few bin bins in Dakar? Mais pas les lumineux!

Jerejef waay!
Good luck on the trip back to Dakar!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl!

Can you do me a favor (another one)? Would you pick me up a few bin bins in Dakar? Mais pas les lumineux!

Jerejef waay!
Good luck on the trip back to Dakar!

Anonymous said...

I will see you in 5 DAYS!! Good luck with the 24 hours bus ride! (ISH) Congrats again on berkley!