Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Eighties Fashion Explosion…and fun in Sevilla and Barcelona.

Posted by Nicki

That´s right folks, the eighties are back! Weve calculated that since it takes about two years for fashion to get from Europe to the states, you´ll be enjoying what weve been seeing in about 2008. Apparently Spanish fashion has decided that mullets are the new hip hair cut. And seriously, I havent seen so many mullets in quite some time. Weve also managed to spot lots of fun tapered leg jeans, off the shoulder shirts, converse, and other exciting styles.

Allrighty, seriously though, we had a blast in Sevilla. I saw a bunch of cool stuff I didnt get the chance to see last time I was there, and it was great. We also managed to find the fun tapas bar I ate at before, and enjoyed some tasty food and wine. In fact, we managed to spend one entire afternoon just tapas bar hopping enjoying lots of sangria and the fantastic people watching. We also strolled through Plaza de España, great architechture and took a picture in front of the Toledo bench. We also saw the catedral and the alcazar, neither of which I had seen before. The cathedral was beautiful, and we hiked up to the top tower for great fews of Sevilla. The alcazar had wonderful gardens and beautiful archways and tilings, similiar to that which we saw in Morocco. We also walked along the riverfront, and had a great time just enjoying the warm weather and the sunshine, as it had been pretty chilly in madrid.

Plaza de España

Plaza de España

View of Sevilla from cathedral

Cathedral of Sevilla

Courtyard of cathedral

Flamenco dancer

Then it was on to Barcelona. The 14 hour bus ride it took to get here was surprisngly not as bad as I thought it would be, and we made it in around 7 in the morning. Oscar, a friend of a friend of Alexs was there to pick us up, and has been gracious enough to allow us to stay at his apartment, right in central barcelona. Its been awesome. Especially to have some homecooked food, clean clothes (we did laundry in an actual washing machine! this was HUGE), and get to speak more spanish. Oscar also gave us some great insight into barcelona and how the politics of Spain have been changing. There is a ton more Catalon (language of Catalunya region) here then I remember before, it seems to even overpower Spanish. In fact, Oscar said the schools now only teach 3 hours of spanish a week, the instruction is mainly in Catalan.

So far, the city has been great. I am actually enjoying it a lot more then I did on previous trips. We saw the sagrada familia, the huge gaudi cathedral…theyre actually getting work done on it! Although its still far from finished. We also saw another of gaudis apartment buildings, park guill, olympic park, and wandered down las ramblas. ps. gaudi is a famous architect from barcelona.

I dont have too much time left, but well be in Barcelona for the next few days, and then were moving up to San Sebastion. Also! Oscar was nice enough to burn my photos onto a cd, so hopefully I will be able to have those up for you all to see soon! Yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, are the two of you still travelling together? I Haven't heard anything from Em in a long time!