Monday, May 01, 2006

Łöók ât ăłł thęsě cóöł áččénts!!

Posted by Emily

Hello from Budapest! And let me say, what a lovely city! I arrived here last Thursday evening, my mom joined me on Friday evening, and we joined up with our tour group on Saturday evening. We have been having a wonderful time so far. Our tour isn´t very ˝typical˝ I guess you could say. The group is small (about 7 people), there is NO bus and we have leaders, not ˝tour guides˝. Our main leader is a Hungarian woman who is amazingly hip and friendly. She has been taking us to her favorite restaurants, which are AMAZING, and giving us insider tips into the city and culture. I don´t really think you can ask for a much better set up! We will be traveling with another mother/daughter duo from Australia, a father daughter duo from LA (although they are Chinese and the father doesn´t speak much English) and a Greek woman who now lives in Australia. Very interesting mix and I think we are going to get along very well. There is only one other girl around my age and I think that we will also get along well, which I am excited about. Our leader, Enikő (?) even took us on a little unoffical pub crawl last night!

Well, more on our actual experiences here later. We don`t have much Hungarian money left so, sadly, we can´t pay for much internet. I will say though that we have really enjoyed our time here and wish we had more. As Enikő told us, it isn´t a city that you love at first sight but it gets under your skin. She has known many people who have come to visit and have never left. I can see why. It seems to be a very laid back, livable city.

We are taking a night train to Saravejo (?) tonight, which I am very excited about because it`s not a place I would probably have the guts to go on my own. However, I have heard nothing but good things from the people who have visited before.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... Intersting!

Anonymous said...

i loved budapest! i'm so glad you did to.

had no idea you were headed to sarajevo, can't wait to hear about it.